• The Science star competition is a contest that features a group of science communicators trying to communicate a scientific idea, the video should not be less than 3 minutes and not more than five minutes
    Contestants are evaluated on their clarity, delivery, and charisma. Ideas can be a simple clarification for an already existing scientific concept or a description of original ongoing research ideas for students and researchers working in various scientific fields.
  • The competition starts with an evaluation of videos being uploaded by the contestants. These videos will be evaluated according to a rubric measuring content, research, vocabulary, presentation, voice expression, volume, pacing and fluency, eye contact, and body language. Judges are chosen according to their expertise in science communication, as well as participation in previous science communication competitions. Videos are being watched triple times, and an average will be calculated.
  • The semi-finalists will be notified after selecting them, and they will be trained on the basis of science communication, effective delivery, ideas formulation, and media production.
  • The training product will be posted online, and the highest five voted participants will be selected to deliver their demo on a day full of surprises presented by Science Street and will be judged by a professional jury, giving on-stage feedback. The winner will be awarded 1000 USD cash and a medal of recognition.

  • The contestants should be at least 18 years old by Mar 1, 2023.
  • The video Content should only be presented in Arabic.
  • The duration of the video should not be less than 3 minutes and not more than five minutes.
  • The deadline for applying is Feb 25, 2023 (The form will be closed after the due date ).
  • The content should be exclusively for science content, i.e., physics, chemistry, medical science, engineering, and technology).
  • The presented Ideas can be a clarification for an already existing scientific concept or a description of original ongoing research ideas for students and researchers working in various scientific fields.
  • Contestants can not use animated content, but they can rather use an image or video breakers to illustrate a subject, with a proper reference for the sources at the end of the video.

  • Contestants will choose a subject, simplify it, and then upload it to a Youtube channel and then attach the link to the section requested in the form. (The channel can be an already existing channel or a new one exclusively made for the purpose of the competition)
  • Contestants can follow the social media outlets of Science Street for the announcement of the winners.

The talk includes accurate and in-depth information on all important subject matter and includes well developed details and examples. Overall subject knowledge is excellent.


There is evidence of throrough research, and all information is arragned and presented in the writer's own words.


The contestant makes extensive use challenging domain vocabulary in an appropriate manner.

Pacing and Fluency

The speaker always or almost always spoke at an appropriate pace. It was easy for the audience to understand.

Overall Presentation

This presentation exceeded expectations. The audience could easily understand the presentation.

Competition Timeline

Registration starts Feb 17, 2023
Registration closes Feb 28, 2023
The first phase announcement Mar 5, 2023
Voting for the Second phase Mar 6, 2023
The second phase announcement Stay Tuned
Training of the finalists starts Stay Tuned
Final round Stay Tuned